O Imprisoned One, my Regret
You have learned to cast poison from your cell into vulnerable minds.
You have allied yourself to an Unliving Evil, my ancient enemy.
I have discovered your bitter sowing and witnessed its first fell harvest.
This shall no longer remain unopposed.
I have found the champions to defy you and heal the wounds you wrought.
And I have found you, Dragon Child.
Open your wings, little one, and soar.

“Sheshai the Purifier” is a novel that takes place in the same world as Elehura, during an earlier era. Many places, entities, and histories are shared between them. Unlike Elehura, it is intended for a mature audience and has sexual themes intrinsic to the story.

Sheshai of the Gwil had strong ambitions and the skills to achieve them in the House of the Hand, the order of healers and demon purifiers. Alas, cruel events sabotaged her advance and she now works as a light duty healer in an unfriendly city. She refuses to give up on herself, though, and has a secret ally that has helped her get through the difficulties and cultivate her unique talents. These talents have gotten her in trouble in the past, but if only she can properly harness them and find the right place to make great use them…

Miryin of the Felcae is a well-regarded commander of a House of the Shield crew on an ambitious mission. He is seeking to hire a mercenary purifier, but this recruit will need to be something out of the ordinary to face the unliving evil that has consumed and poisoned a large island. He is on the way to a House of the Hand temple, hoping and in a way sensing that he will find the one suited for the mission there.
Besuri of the Pritar is Miryin’s second-in-command. She’s got more of a wild streak than him, but stays well enough behaved to be recognized as a respected warrior and leader. Currently the only woman on the crew, she has established herself as quite the matriarch, keeping the boys in line, but also in good spirits.

The Great Houses were founded during the age of the Immortal Emperor and his nation of nations that spanned the world. Each order represents professions that pledge loyalty to the world’s people instead of any one nation or race. They are:
The House of the Sword: peacekeeping soldiers
The House of the Shield: monster hunting warriors
The House of the Hand: healers and purifiers
The House of the Hammer: engineers and builders
The House of the Book: scholars and messengers
The House of the Eye: sorcerers
Though the empire fell generations ago, the Houses still remain to serve their global missions.