The story of Sharpheart takes place in a miniature universe known as the Voidplane. Its size is comparable to but a single world in a normal universe. A gravity-like force pushes all things towards the center plane of its lens shape, causing everything to become seemingly suspended in the air along a single flat level.
On occasion, inter-dimensional gates appear. These anomalies bring land, materials, and even people from other universes into the Voidplane.
Voidplane is also host to its own native inhabitants. The beings of this universe are nearly immortal and non-reproducing, contrasting to the more traditionally mortal races that ‘immigrate’ here.

Sha Rephart is a city-state existing near the outer rim of the Voidplane. The name literally translates to ‘The Nation’ in the Language of the Law (a common language used in the nation’s official business). The nation is presided over by a trio of Voidplane natives, and the rest of the citizenry is made up of immigrant races.
Human immigrants coined a nickname for the nation – Sharpheart – which became the unofficial name for the nation’s main island.
The Sha Rephart Council Lords
These are the three Voidplane natives that founded Sha Rephart and continue to head its government.
Center: The Dragon Tatyakori. Tatyakori is most well known for diligent and efficient management of Sha Rephart’s infrastructure. This is critically important for the nation’s success and survival due to the limited natural resources available in the Voidplane.
Right: The Lurin Lunark. Lunark’s race are shapeshifters. In order to change form, they must enter their ‘nest’ (the ball they are sitting on in the picture). Lunark was also a major contributor to developing Token technology. Tokens are enchanted objects, most often designed as pages to be placed in a book, that allow the user to temporarily summon a magical object. Lunark remains the best of the ‘dreamers’ that create new Tokens.
Left: The Tanteru Kemadrel. Kemadrel is known as the most personable of the Council Lords. The other two lords are moderately sociable, but Kemadrel is well known for wandering Sharpheart in search of new acquaintances and stories. Their race is quadrupedal, and they have to wear special braces and mechanical hands to fit in better with the bipedal citizens.