Yezukh’ay Voidleaper

Yezukh’ay, the suyen on the left side, escaped their impoverished island by leaping into the Voidplane with some makeshift wing paddles and swimming over to the vessel “Obmunjalae” as it was departing. When they grew up, they got into void leaping as a sporting activity.
There are a number of onlookers here, all plane natives.
Bottom: Lukaud of the lurin shapeshifters. The owner of the Obmunjalae vessel, they are normally referred to their title, Obmunjalae, which means master of the Voidplane. Yes, there’s often a bit of confusion on if the title is referring to the person or the vessel. Most call them Jalae for short. This is their “natural” aspect.
Middle: Kemadrel of the tanteru, and one of the three Council Lords of Sha Repart.
Above: Tatyakori of the dragons, and another member of the Council Lords of Sha Repart.
Right: Tisi of… an unnamed aquatic race of plane natives. An oddity, as very few significant bodies of water exist on the Voidplane.

3D Character Models 2023

It’s not a complete list of characters from my stories, but these are the characters that have an “official” 3D model at this time.

Unaffiliated Characters:

Kethil – An aquatic race intended for Elehura but as of yet not officially part of the story.

Serii – An early Agwilika Rhe character, back when they had vestigial wings.

“Forest” Gwil – Just a character made on a whim.

Yoseka – A pritar character from an old project called “Seraphelines”. May become a character elsewhere.

From “Sharpheart”:

Tatyakori – A Council Lord of Sha Repart. Of the dragons, a Voidplane native race.

Tisi – A member of a race of Voidplane natives. A being of the water, despite large bodies of water being rare on the Voidplane.

Lukaud – The “Voidplane Master”, a member of the shape-shifting lurin race. Famously possesses the largest known Voidplane craft in use at the time.

Lukaud-Suyen – One of Lukaud’s aspects, resembling the suyen race.

Lady Jalae – Lukaud’s favorite aspect.

Yezukh’ay – A suyen that grew up on an impoverished island, but escaped to become Lukaud’s adopted child.

Kemadrel – A Council Lord of Sha Repart. Of the tanteru, a four-legged Voidplane native race. They wear special gear to walk upright.

Lunark – A Council Lord of Sha Repart. Of the lurin, a shape-shifting Voidplane native race. The ball is their nest sphere which they enter to change form.

From “Elehura”:

Tatyakori (top middle) – The Divine Dragon and steward of the world of Elehura.

Hessai Prime (top right) – The original form of the Unliving Evil, ancient enemy of Tatyakori.

Threpel Hessai – The most common manifestation of the Unliving Evil of many.

Salus Mudrah – The Emperor of the nation of nations; Tatyakori’s regret.

Pagol – A gwil healer from the distant past of Elehura’s world.

Seros – A red-skinned gwil and member of the Order of the Eclipse.

Slyvette – A pritar fighter and member of the Order of the Eclipse.

From “Sheshai the Purifier” (in the same universe as Elehura):

Sheshai-Ajoh – Healer of the House of the Hand who wanted to become a purifier.

Sheshai-Ket – Sheshai’s shadow…

Miryin – Felcae leader of a House of the Hand crew. On a special mission to fight a hessai disaster on the island of Lukaudalin.

Adri (high up) – An avian grepir, who scouts for the House of the Shield.

Besuri – Second commander of Miryin’s House of the Shield crew.

Ulrae – One of Sheshai’s mentors of the House of the Hand.

Saydah – An exile from the island of Lukaudalin that was destroyed by the hessai.

Woklah – A felcae specialist warrior in the House of the Shield.

Azel – A pritar member of Miryin’s crew.

From “Agwilika Rhe”:

Raeja – A Syrsi, elite guardian of the agwilikan Seven-Star Nation.

Anjil – Sorcerer of the Ayra Katrin organization. An akelikan in the agwilikan-dominated Seven-Star Nation.

Crinos – A member of the Kylal family who lead the Seven-Star Nation.

Ky – One of the naryyd, a near-immortal humanoid race who helped create the agwilikan and akelikan races with the help of the agwils (dragons) and prerarts.

Prerart – Relatives to the agwils, though much smaller, lacking in wings, but not lacking in cuteness.

Other Characters:

Dark Spark – Some manifestation of cosmic creative energy with an eclipse motif.

The Robolds – robot kobolds.

Shekki – Another gwil character made on a whim.

Biri, Baku, and Bayzil – The Red Triplets. Technically not sisters. Beings of a magical origin that run a restaurant, among other things.

Rider’s Dragon and Dragon’s Rider – Characters planned to be in the same story as the Red Triplets. Haven’t settled on names for them yet.

Creative Spark Dragon, aka Sparky – My persona.

The Story of Yezukh’ay, Chapter 1

This story is from “Sharpheart”, which takes place in the miniature universe called the Voidplane, where a gravity-like force pulls everything from both directions towards a flat plane. A variety of nations exist on floating landmasses on the plane. Living can be harsh for the mortal beings that find themselves here, but the Voidplane is saturated with a field of energy often referred to simply as “magic”, which proves to be a great aid in surviving here. The mortal races are not from the Voidplane, but were pulled in from an “outer universe”. There are native races of the Voidplane, and these are immortal beings which often care for the mortals.

This story follows one particular mortal being named Yezukh’ay, a member of the Suyen race and one living on an impoverished small island. A grand vessel that visited regularly to deliver supplies awoke a desire in her to find out what else is out there in “the empty”.

Download the PDF here

Obmunjalae Mini Vessel

This vessel is Lady Obmunjalae’s personal craft. It happens to be one of the most compact Voidplane vessels in use, contrasting greatly with her main vessel (the Obmunjalae), which is the largest. In this picture, the craft is docked at its personalized spot in the Obmunjalae vessel’s hangar bay. You can also see the Lady inviting Yezukh’ay to board, though the Suyen woman looks a little nervous about it. It’s not exactly a ‘canon’ scene, as Yezu was much younger when she first took a trip on this craft.

I did some experimenting on the vessel and I think it turned out pretty nice. The most obvious change is the new fin design on the back. There’s also a fancy emblem mounted near the back. The vessel now has doors that rotate up and can put the vessel in a locked up state or enclose the cockpit during travel. It also has the same paint job as the Obmunjalae.

For reference, here is the previous design:

Sha Rephart Island Pics

Adding on to the outside of the North Circle – a set of magic fueling stations for Voidplane vessels to charge their “batteries”. Even the massive Obmunjalae can stop here to top off.
Changes to the city docks. The light projection over this section is now a full hexagon shape instead of a half hexagon, and a frame goes around the outer edge to support it. This frame is also adorned with the national symbol. The port of entry building has changed a bit, and there is a spire on the roof that acts as an anchor point for the projection’s center point.
Added some detail to the inner courtyard of the apartment hexagons that sit at the top of the residential districts. Note that the light projections block light instead of emit it in one direction, so it appears that the area underneath then is dim. The effect is weaker at the edges so you can see extra light bleeding through around the perimeter.
An updated full view of the island. You can see a new circular path inside each of the social districts now, going off the style applied to the apartment courtyards.

Sha Rephart North Circle

The North Circle is the largest expansion of Sha Rephart island. Its central feature – literally and figuratively – is the Generator. This device absorbs large amounts of potential magical energy from the Voidplane and transfers it to an array of storage crystals enclosed in two rings of spheres. That energy can then be transferred into nodes within the island’s core or into vessels. There is a element of instability with this mass absorption of magic, which is why there is a large gap surrounding the Generator.

Outside of that gap is the largest park in the nation. It includes national botanical gardens as well as community gardens that citizens can apply to get a personal growing plot in. There are a trio of triangular bipyramids off to one side of the circle. These may be purely decorative.

And because it’s available, here is another shot of the entire island.

Shots of Sha Rephart Island

This view centers on the Residential District. The entrance to the Night District is on the far left, adjoined by the city wall. The city rail loop sits between the wall and the main house rows. Some new streets going between the house rows were added this version, each parallel to a rail station. The blue projections of the Social Districts and the gold projection of the national capital are seen in the back.
A view of Beach Island. There is a new building complex accessed from a long staircase seen on the left.
One of the city docks. The building in the middle is the port of entry into the city where arrivals and departures are screened.
A view from the entrance of the Night District looking back towards the city’s center. The twin stairways of the rail station are in view, along with a prototype of the vehicles that traverse the tracks. Behind is one of the new roads in the Residential District. These have stairs that travel up the terraced house rows. This particular road leads all the way up to one of the main complexes of the Social District.

Sha Rephart Island

Well, it’s been over ten years since the last time I made a post about Sha Rephart’s main island, though I have been working on it here and there.

The island is the core of Sha Rephart (“The Nation”). The structure bathed in golden light at the center is the national capital. It is surrounded by a fortress. The six lighter blue hexagons and the three-pointed areas between them make up the Social Districts. Adjoining those are the Residential Districts, made up of numerous rows of stock housing and four apartment complexes. Two Industrial Districts occupy the trapezoidal areas between the four gaps (and right now don’t really have anything in them), with the city docks attached to them on the east and west ends. A transport rail circuit and the city wall loop around the other areas.

Some expansions have been added to the island over time. To the northeast is a fountain (which needs a lot of further development). To the southeast is the Night District, a nocturnally themed sister to the main social districts.To the southwest is Beach Island, a massive attraction due to the rarity of large bodies of water on the Voidplane. To the northwest is crescent park and a large walled circle of void (its purpose to be determined).

Expect more details on areas of the island soon.

Obmunjalae: Kinetic Engines and the Magic of the Voidplane

The Voidplane is a place saturated with magic. The most common applications of the power to defy the physical rules of the universe are based on manipulating elementary components of reality. The most commonly mastered types of these are thermal energy, light, electromagnetism, object manifestation, and kinetic energy. Specific applications of these are often classified into elements such fire, lightning, water, blade, and wind, especially when they are used in combat.

So a random thought crossed my mind last night. Why do the Obmunjalae’s engines use air propulsion like an Earthly jet plane instead of utilizing direct kinetic magic?

The twin nacelles attached to the back of the vessel are its main propulsion. In the picture you can see that I changed them to be symmetrical on the front and back, removing the previous air outlet nozzle. The engines work by inducing magical kinetic energy directly into a material that is highly sensitive to that kind of magic. One added benefit of changing how the engines function is that they could be capable of reverse movement now.

I’ll have to consider if the openings for the lateral engines still serve a purpose. Perhaps the kinetic impulse generates waste heat that has to be vented. This also means I’ll probably have to update the Voidskimmer vessel again. I made complicated air inlet/outlet ducts on the sides, and now I have to consider if they are unnecessary.