Ayra Katrin Library Underground

It’s been a long while since I made a proper architectural update. Back to the Ayra Katrin Library, which is called “che keh-ah-bek-oh se ayra katrin le agwilcress” in ANP Kahwan (Agwil-Naryyd-Prerart language).

The two lower main floors of the library were constructed to artificially appear as being under ground and are enclosed by the perimeter road that forms the “tail tip” of Agwilcress. I’ve been building out these floor layouts to more thoroughly fill in the space. The main library and south tower are the only sections that rise above the third floor. The north underground section includes a first floor entrance and the kitchen. The south underground section includes a first floor entry into the south tower and bathing pools. Both sections also have restrooms, showers, and general gathering space. The are four residential sections, each with sixteen rooms accessed from a triangular atrium. The west and east sections are now officially dubbed the library’s wings. That’s where the latest major changes have taken place.

In this picture you can see the new layout for the wing, with bookcases that wrap around the buttresses and circular bookcase clusters to fill in the spaces between. The hexagonal space underneath the gazebo is now an enclosed reading room. New additions also include side passages that connect the wings to the underground sections. The wings initially only had one exit which went to the main library, but now they have three. There was also enough room to add a little alcove to each residence room that accommodates a private toilet and sink.

A view of the library wing. This is looking north along the passageway against the main library. There are light fixtures that sit atop the circular clusters.
In the wing, looking towards the entrance to the reading room.
The interior of the reading room.

You can see in the first image of this post that there’s some unclaimed territory around the south tower, so I might be expanding its lower two floors. I’m not sure there is enough space to make something out of the slivers of space on each side of the underground sections.

Obmunjalae’s Home Base

Obmunjalae’s Home Base is a massive structure (136 vertical meters between the tops of the arches) that serves as the hangar for the titular vessel. It also contains the foundries that forged the components of the Obmunjalae’s structure, and the equipment used to put those components together.

Along the sides of the base are four rows of buildings. Industrial sections are on the outside, and residential on the inside. Terraced balconies of the residential sections can be seen on the left side of the image.

Ayra Katrin Library – Front area updates

Some more changes to the front area of the Ayra Katrin Library. There was an area of sloped terrain near the top of the stairs that has been replaced with some more patio area. A small room with a spiral staircase links the covered patio areas below with the new upper ones.

There is only a small layer of sand/soil at the top level of the library campus, with the top of the underground floors just below. Because of this, trees would not have enough room for their roots up there. I removed the trees from the area, but added a grove in the lower section to compensate.

Speaking of which, here’s a better view of the lower section. Small lamps were added to the walkways and some adjustments made to the shape of the walkway and railings.

Ayra Katrin Library – new buttress design and side rooms

A new design for the buttress pillars on the Ayra Katrin Library:

AKL New ButtressesThe new cylindrical design replaces what was essentially a placeholder that was copied from an old pillar for the city wall. Here is what those looked like:

AKL Old ButtressIn close proximity to these new buttress designs, the library’s lower floors are expanding to fill in the space between the main structure and the perimeter road. These areas are highlighted in green below:

AKL Side RoomsBelow is a construction image of this area, showing how the buttress and gazebo structures extend down two floors. I’m still working out how the floor plans are going to be laid out and what functions these side rooms will fulfill.

AKL New Buttresses Under


Ayra Katrin Library South Building

I built a greenhouse in my backyard with my dad’s help this week. I also managed to build something virtually. A new site update in under a year!

AKL South BuildingThis is the south building of the Ayra Katrin Library. Previously it had a rectangular design, but while working on the underground floors I wound up changing the shape to better work with the layout of the underground and the tapering end of the ‘tail’ that it occupies. Each floor has a central room with the stairway, two side rooms, a larger room which serves as an office for a higher ranking member of the Ayra Katrin, and two small rooms in the front quarter-circle section – probably a restroom and a utility room. The top floor has a balcony room overlooking the hexagonal patio behind the main library building.

This building is at the southern tip of Agwilcress and sits at a hilltop, making it highly visible from the south. This made me want to place some sort of sculpture to show off, and the new design includes a flat circular section of roof that was ideal to place it. I came up with a design that resembles a tree where the ‘leaves’ look similar to Agwilikan tails. These leaves hold up a large orb with a light inside.

AKL OverheadHere’s an overhead view of the current library campus design, with the south building to the left.

Oh, and for reference, the previous south building design below. I don’t think I’ve ever posted a clear view of it.AKL South Building Previous

The Veli Cliffs in Agwilcress

It’s my birthday and I decided to do some work on Agwilcress again.

The Veli Cliffs stretch across the region and pose a formidable barrier between the northern and southern areas. When the nations divided, the cliffs acted as a natural defense for the capital city of Cresselecapera against the Akelikans, preventing them from forming any kind of major assault. Agwilcress was in part founded to protect an access point up the cliffs near the Antalle River.

I’ve been bothered by the size of the cliffs for a while. They were somewhat underwhelming at a height of about 64 nwen (16.4 meters/54 feet). I’ve gotten around to correct this, and now they cliffs are about 160 nwen (41 meters/134 feet) tall. Here’s pictures to visualize the change:

Veli Cliffs - OldVeli Cliffs - NewBecause of the change, the stairs and ramp previously existing to get up the cliffs were no longer feasible. Instead, the travel is made possible by a major Ayra Katrin Engineers project – the Great Elevator (working title). That’s the new big structure just left of center in the second picture. It has a large cargo lift and two smaller and faster lifts for people. It closely follows the design of the city walls. You can also see that Tama Point on the right side is a much more significant structure.

Ayra Katrin Library – Underground

akl-under-1-patiosThe Ayra Katrin Library was constructed with four main floors and and a small basement area in its center. However, the landscaping on top of Tail Hill ‘buried’ the lower floors, creating an illusion that the library is smaller than it actually is.

The set of covered patios in the lower part of the picture are a new addition to the design. There was only an empty, sloping hill where these now stand.

akl-under-4-outlineHere’s a rough idea of the extent of the lower floors at this point, highlighted in white. Underneath the big hexagon patios are some common areas, including the library’s kitchen. The four triangles adjoining the hexagons are open down to the bottom floor and connect to sets of personal rooms (the two sets of four rooms you can see by each triangle) . Both the main building and south tower have two lower floors that connect to the rest of the underground area.

akl-under-2-mainA view inside the underground area under the hexagon. The pillar design was recently updated, making them thinner. This gave the area a more open feel. At the very right of the picture is where the Library’s kitchen is located.

akl-under-3-entryHere is the entrance to the underground area, looking back from the hexagon. The doors on the side go into the covered patios, and the front door leads under the archway serving as the ‘official’ entrance to the library.

Tail Hill Complex

Tail Hill 5Dominating the terraced hill leading up to the Ayra Katrin Library is the Tail Hill Complex, which is called “pog get bekonah” in the Agwil-Narryd-Prerart language.

Up front are two office-type buildings and the entrance to underground storehouses and workshops. Above those are a patio and a park area. Behind the park’s semicircle fountain is big square opening above the underground plaza. On the next level up and new to this version are the lower Ayra Katrin dormitories. The arch roofed section in the middle is the commons area, flanked on both sides by the individual living quarters.

Below is the last version of the Tail Hill Complex posted (almost four years ago):

Tail Hill ComplexBesides the building upgrades, you can see another big change. The area in which Agwilcress lies is an arid area, so much of the grassy land is being replaced with dirt, rock, and sand.

Here is an orthographic view of the entire tail hill:

Tail Hill 5 OrthoStarting from the lower left and moving clockwise, the complex is surrounded by the National Square and a collection of circular gardens, Civic Square, Civic Hill, the Ayra Katin Library, Agwilcress Grain Factory, and Military Square.