Category Archives: Elehura
Miryin Skytamer and Perel Kerrow

Miryin Skytamer, felcae master of the bow and wind magic. A member of the Order of the Eclipse. She is in fact named after the Miryin from the Sheshai the Purifier story, which took place generations before Elehura. Most felcae names are gender neutral. The wind magic she uses can also be considered a form of telekinetic power. She most famously uses it to fire arrows with incredible range and accuracy.

Perel Kerrow, suyen master of water magic and another member of the Order of the Eclipse. They wield a pair of knives called the Seasingers. They are famed for their ability to move through the water as fast as the swiftest fish.
Oh, and suyen are tiny and felcae are big. For comparison, Seros on the right is six feet tall:

Salus Mudrah, the Immortal Emperor

Gifted with immortality and the Totem of Authority by the divine dragon Tatyakori, Salus Mudrah was given the task of bringing greater order to the world. His “nation of nations” and the Great Houses founded under his reign brought forth a golden age of peace and progress.
However, the historians recorded that the power he held eventually consumed him and the great peace was threatened. Then one day he departed his capital in a furious rush and disappeared. He would not be seen again for centuries. But before that, there were some that heard whispers in their minds, unknowing pawns of this lost ruler.
An aside: trying out a new logo for Elehura.
3D Character Models 2023

It’s not a complete list of characters from my stories, but these are the characters that have an “official” 3D model at this time.
Unaffiliated Characters:
Kethil – An aquatic race intended for Elehura but as of yet not officially part of the story.
Serii – An early Agwilika Rhe character, back when they had vestigial wings.
“Forest” Gwil – Just a character made on a whim.
Yoseka – A pritar character from an old project called “Seraphelines”. May become a character elsewhere.
From “Sharpheart”:
Tatyakori – A Council Lord of Sha Repart. Of the dragons, a Voidplane native race.
Tisi – A member of a race of Voidplane natives. A being of the water, despite large bodies of water being rare on the Voidplane.
Lukaud – The “Voidplane Master”, a member of the shape-shifting lurin race. Famously possesses the largest known Voidplane craft in use at the time.
Lukaud-Suyen – One of Lukaud’s aspects, resembling the suyen race.
Lady Jalae – Lukaud’s favorite aspect.
Yezukh’ay – A suyen that grew up on an impoverished island, but escaped to become Lukaud’s adopted child.
Kemadrel – A Council Lord of Sha Repart. Of the tanteru, a four-legged Voidplane native race. They wear special gear to walk upright.
Lunark – A Council Lord of Sha Repart. Of the lurin, a shape-shifting Voidplane native race. The ball is their nest sphere which they enter to change form.
From “Elehura”:
Tatyakori (top middle) – The Divine Dragon and steward of the world of Elehura.
Hessai Prime (top right) – The original form of the Unliving Evil, ancient enemy of Tatyakori.
Threpel Hessai – The most common manifestation of the Unliving Evil of many.
Salus Mudrah – The Emperor of the nation of nations; Tatyakori’s regret.
Pagol – A gwil healer from the distant past of Elehura’s world.
Seros – A red-skinned gwil and member of the Order of the Eclipse.
Slyvette – A pritar fighter and member of the Order of the Eclipse.
From “Sheshai the Purifier” (in the same universe as Elehura):
Sheshai-Ajoh – Healer of the House of the Hand who wanted to become a purifier.
Sheshai-Ket – Sheshai’s shadow…
Miryin – Felcae leader of a House of the Hand crew. On a special mission to fight a hessai disaster on the island of Lukaudalin.
Adri (high up) – An avian grepir, who scouts for the House of the Shield.
Besuri – Second commander of Miryin’s House of the Shield crew.
Ulrae – One of Sheshai’s mentors of the House of the Hand.
Saydah – An exile from the island of Lukaudalin that was destroyed by the hessai.
Woklah – A felcae specialist warrior in the House of the Shield.
Azel – A pritar member of Miryin’s crew.
From “Agwilika Rhe”:
Raeja – A Syrsi, elite guardian of the agwilikan Seven-Star Nation.
Anjil – Sorcerer of the Ayra Katrin organization. An akelikan in the agwilikan-dominated Seven-Star Nation.
Crinos – A member of the Kylal family who lead the Seven-Star Nation.
Ky – One of the naryyd, a near-immortal humanoid race who helped create the agwilikan and akelikan races with the help of the agwils (dragons) and prerarts.
Prerart – Relatives to the agwils, though much smaller, lacking in wings, but not lacking in cuteness.
Other Characters:
Dark Spark – Some manifestation of cosmic creative energy with an eclipse motif.
The Robolds – robot kobolds.
Shekki – Another gwil character made on a whim.
Biri, Baku, and Bayzil – The Red Triplets. Technically not sisters. Beings of a magical origin that run a restaurant, among other things.
Rider’s Dragon and Dragon’s Rider – Characters planned to be in the same story as the Red Triplets. Haven’t settled on names for them yet.
Creative Spark Dragon, aka Sparky – My persona.
Threpel Hessai

Hessai, the Unliving Evil that hunts the living and plagues the world of the Elehura and Sheshai the Purifier stories. According to legend, it was once just a singular being but learned to become many and take on different forms. Its instances always have common traits, though: dark gray skin, eight “limbs” (though these could manifest to appear as horns or ears), and a singular red eye.
Threpel Hessai are the most common of the Hessai variants, and the closest resemblance and size to the anthropomorphic races.
Various Character Faces

I put some more work into Miryin’s model and tried my hand at Blender’s hair particle system again. You can see a major change I’m trying out here: giving the Felcae race a different lower face, making it more like a Gwil snout instead of a Pritar-like nose. In fact, the old nose was simply copied from a Pritar model and widened a bit. Here’s what that looked like:

The Felcae having facial features closer in resemblance to the Gwil (now adding the snout to the similar horns and ears), as well as the Felcae and Gwil both being herbivore races, suggests they have a closer genetic relationship to each other than to the other races. Note that the Gwil, whose name originates from the term “Dragon Children”, are not a race of reptiles, but mammals that evolved to not have any hair or fur. Felcae have their own genetic anomaly, having evolved to not have mammary glands.

Seros is a member of the Gwil Fire Clan, a rare subgroup of his race with red skin and markings reminiscent of flames. He was sent by the Order of the Eclipse to investigate reported disturbances in the holy land of Elehura. He is accompanied by his sister Nuzoko on the journey.
The Order of the Eclipse is a special organization founded through a collaboration of the Great Houses. Its members specialize in multiple disciplines of the Houses. For instance, Seros trained in monster slaying from the House of the Shield and magical abilities from the House of the Eye. Nuzoko loves to tease her brother for specializing in fire-based magic.
Seros is old-school. It is going on 25 years since I conceived the character. And yes, I have a copy of what may very well be the first drawing I made of him:

I guess I’ve made some progress on my skills over the years…
Tatyakori, Dragon of Elehura
In the Elehura mythology, Tatyakori is the legendary Dragon that resides in the hidden holy land within the mountain of Elehura. No other Dragons exist in the world and very few have actually met her in person, yet her image can be found in most cultures in various forms. Her purpose is not entirely clear, but there is a belief that she is responsible for protecting the hidden paradise from evil.
As said, very few have met the Dragon in all of history, but the most important were the trio of humans that found their way into the hidden land. Each was offered a holy artifact which also granted them immortality. With those gifts, the three created an empire which spanned the globe. The emperor was ultimately consumed by his power, and became so dangerous that the other two returned the artifacts in exchange for the emperor’s removal.
This latest change to the character was the first time I applied the dark coloring to the outer eye instead of the usual white. Similar races like the Gwil/Agwilikans are going to get this look too. The previous version of the character concept:Speaking of updates, I also adjusted the information on the Elehura Main Page while I put the new picture of Tatyakori in there.
The purpose of the orb she has resting in their horns is… undetermined.
In 2022, I updated the spelling of the name from Tatyakore to Tatyakori.