Well…. I haven’t touched on these characters save for a few brief references since at least 2011 when I rebooted this site into WordPress. By a random whim to update an old picture, I thought “how about a reintroduction?”

The Prerarts that live in the same region as the Agwilicans and Akelikans have a number of legendary people they tell stories of. Being legends, some may be complete myths and those that were actual historical figures likely had their stories embellished. Their tales have been passed down through oral tradition, and only with the introduction of their humanoid cousins did these stories get written down. Each has a signature talent or feature, and a story of a famous feat showcasing that trait.
Pamar was an especially intelligent Prerart, particularly being interested in mathematics, something most Prerarts don’t get involved with much. In her time, Agwils generally considered Prerarts dumb animals. That changed when one met Pamar, learned to communicate with her, and became quite impressed by her mental acuity as they engaged in academic challenges. Her famous feat was creating a written number system that she used to show off her smarts to the Agwil. The numerals she came up with (shown in the bottom of the picture) were eventually adopted by the Agwilikans and Akelikans.
At the opening of Agwilika Rhe, there are ten Legendary Prerarts:
Salmandano the Firedancer
Tama-Tameree the Flier
Pabam the Listener
Miridyr the Swimmer
Tatur the Eater
Bisuwiki the Runner
Raralara the Sleeper
Pamar the Thinker
Buridamer the Songmaker
Kemidamer the Singer