The Land of the Silver Dragons is torn into two factions: the predominantly Agwilikan Seven-Star Nation and the lands and people ruled by the Akelikan Army King. Two wars have been fought between them in the past, and tidings of a third conflict dwells in the people’s collective fear. Thankfully, there are those that bring a counteracting hope; poised to lead, fight, heal, and perhaps reunite the Children of the Naryyd.

Reija is a member of the elite national guardians, the Syrsia. Her skill and devotion was lauded by her peers and she was promoted to a Syrsi at a young age. Being no mere guard, her fierce combat abilities may soon be put to use for a special mission.

Anjil is an adept user of magical powers. He is a member of the Ayra Katrin, an organization of the best sorcerers, scholars, and engineers of the nation. Anjil has shown exceptional talent and has risen up in the Ayra Katrin ranks quite quickly. He has even been able to teach his girlfriend Reija some magical abilities.

Crinos Kylal is the daughter of the current leader of the Seven-Star Nation, Tessalus Kylal. Though she spent most of her young life hidden from public view (usually stuck in a book in the library), she has recently taken up a more public role, showing great potential for leadership during stressful political events that were beginning to overwhelm her mother.

The Agwil, or Dragons
The Children of the Sky, the mighty Agwils have an innate supernatural ability that allows them to fly. They have lived in a loose-knit and transient society for all known history. At one point they fell into a dark age of war, followed by an age where the Agwil culture languished, until their meeting with a mysterious new race.

The Naryyd
These seven gray-skinned androgynous humanoid beings appeared on the planet and made several great accomplishments in their long lifetimes. These beings possessed incredible magical and spiritual power, the likes this world had never before witnessed. They befriended the Agwils, and ushered in a revival and expansion of their culture.
The Narryd were not capable of producing direct offspring, but their leader, Ky, discovered a way to create children using the Agwil as surrogates. The resulting progeny had traits of both parent races, being the same relative shape as the Narryd but with face, tail, feet, and patterns on their skin resembling the Agwil.

The Agwilikans and Akelikans
The children of the Naryyd were divided into two – one with green skin (the Agwilikans) and one with grey (the Akelikans) as a way to honor the dual ancestry. Akel is the name some Agwil in a different region refer to themselves, so each name essentially means “Children of the Dragons”. The two races are sometimes collectively known as the Naryikans, “Children of the Naryyd”. Other than the skin color, the two races are essentially the same. However, they are not able to reproduce with each other.

Unlike their Agwil parents, the Naryikans took interest in building a nation, taking up human industries such as farming, construction, and writing. They also inherited a potential for magic from the Naryyd and began developing their own abilities. An Agwilikan named Katrin Gron became the first to master these powers, and a society known as the Ayra Katrin (followers of Katrin) formed and led the professions of sorcerers, enchanters, engineers, and scholars.

The Kylal Family
Ky created the first Agwilikan and Akelikan. The other Naryyd followed suit and created many more, but Ky’s first two were their only children. These two had special designation and traits setting them apart from the others, and were destined to be the leaders of their people. The Agwilikan Dominesa and the Akelikan Palades took their place beside the Naryyd and led their people’s government, known as the Seven-Star Nation.
An unusual trait of the Kylal is that they are only capable of having one child, and this child takes on the unique traits of the Kylal, resulting in a direct family lineage.

The Prerarts
Prerarts are related to the Agwil, but are much smaller and can not fly. They live in nomadic villages mostly made up of extended families. The largest population of Prerats in the world exists along the shores of Basu Lake. The first city of the Seven-Star Nation called Cresselecapera just happened to be founded on islands on the southern end of the lake, so curious Prerarts soon began visiting these new arrivals. Like the Agwil, some Prerarts worked with the Naryyd to create Agwilikans and Akelikans. Their children, known as the Agylat Agwilikans and the Tiribis Akelikans, tend to be smaller than the others and have an affinity for living among the tall trees that border the lake and linked rivers.