Lukaud, the owner of the Obmunjalae vessel, built a ‘house’ for their adopted child Yezukh’ay within the vessel. It is placed in what used to be an open lobby between Lukaud’s private rooms and the pilot’s deck. Suyen are so small that the house is built at half the scale of the rest of the vessel. Lukaud referenced the structure of round houses on Yezu’s origin island in the construction, but adapted the design to blend in with the rest of the vessel’s style. The amenities are also obviously improved over the impoverished island. For instance, the stove in the back resembles a suyen design, but uses heat magic devices instead of burning fuel. That also allowed the stove to be used indoors.
The wall decoration on the left features art of Yezu’s face and their void-leaper paddles. The brown pieces at the top are Yezu’s original paddles made from plant leaves, secretly built to aid their escape to the Obmunjalae vessel. The lower ones were more sturdily built with Lukaud’s assistance.
Sadly, Yezukh’ay had no home cuisine to bring to their new kitchen, as food on their island was desperately basic. Instead, they learned recipes from other groups of suyen and the foods of other races they found enjoyable.