Yezukh’ay, the suyen on the left side, escaped their impoverished island by leaping into the Voidplane with some makeshift wing paddles and swimming over to the vessel “Obmunjalae” as it was departing. When they grew up, they got into void leaping as a sporting activity.
There are a number of onlookers here, all plane natives.
Bottom: Lukaud of the lurin shapeshifters. The owner of the Obmunjalae vessel, they are normally referred to their title, Obmunjalae, which means master of the Voidplane. Yes, there’s often a bit of confusion on if the title is referring to the person or the vessel. Most call them Jalae for short. This is their “natural” aspect.
Middle: Kemadrel of the tanteru, and one of the three Council Lords of Sha Repart.
Above: Tatyakori of the dragons, and another member of the Council Lords of Sha Repart.
Right: Tisi of… an unnamed aquatic race of plane natives. An oddity, as very few significant bodies of water exist on the Voidplane.