It’s not a complete list of characters from my stories, but these are the characters that have an “official” 3D model at this time.
Unaffiliated Characters:
Kethil – An aquatic race intended for Elehura but as of yet not officially part of the story.
Serii – An early Agwilika Rhe character, back when they had vestigial wings.
“Forest” Gwil – Just a character made on a whim.
Yoseka – A pritar character from an old project called “Seraphelines”. May become a character elsewhere.
From “Sharpheart”:
Tatyakori – A Council Lord of Sha Repart. Of the dragons, a Voidplane native race.
Tisi – A member of a race of Voidplane natives. A being of the water, despite large bodies of water being rare on the Voidplane.
Lukaud – The “Voidplane Master”, a member of the shape-shifting lurin race. Famously possesses the largest known Voidplane craft in use at the time.
Lukaud-Suyen – One of Lukaud’s aspects, resembling the suyen race.
Lady Jalae – Lukaud’s favorite aspect.
Yezukh’ay – A suyen that grew up on an impoverished island, but escaped to become Lukaud’s adopted child.
Kemadrel – A Council Lord of Sha Repart. Of the tanteru, a four-legged Voidplane native race. They wear special gear to walk upright.
Lunark – A Council Lord of Sha Repart. Of the lurin, a shape-shifting Voidplane native race. The ball is their nest sphere which they enter to change form.
From “Elehura”:
Tatyakori (top middle) – The Divine Dragon and steward of the world of Elehura.
Hessai Prime (top right) – The original form of the Unliving Evil, ancient enemy of Tatyakori.
Threpel Hessai – The most common manifestation of the Unliving Evil of many.
Salus Mudrah – The Emperor of the nation of nations; Tatyakori’s regret.
Pagol – A gwil healer from the distant past of Elehura’s world.
Seros – A red-skinned gwil and member of the Order of the Eclipse.
Slyvette – A pritar fighter and member of the Order of the Eclipse.
From “Sheshai the Purifier” (in the same universe as Elehura):
Sheshai-Ajoh – Healer of the House of the Hand who wanted to become a purifier.
Sheshai-Ket – Sheshai’s shadow…
Miryin – Felcae leader of a House of the Hand crew. On a special mission to fight a hessai disaster on the island of Lukaudalin.
Adri (high up) – An avian grepir, who scouts for the House of the Shield.
Besuri – Second commander of Miryin’s House of the Shield crew.
Ulrae – One of Sheshai’s mentors of the House of the Hand.
Saydah – An exile from the island of Lukaudalin that was destroyed by the hessai.
Woklah – A felcae specialist warrior in the House of the Shield.
Azel – A pritar member of Miryin’s crew.
From “Agwilika Rhe”:
Raeja – A Syrsi, elite guardian of the agwilikan Seven-Star Nation.
Anjil – Sorcerer of the Ayra Katrin organization. An akelikan in the agwilikan-dominated Seven-Star Nation.
Crinos – A member of the Kylal family who lead the Seven-Star Nation.
Ky – One of the naryyd, a near-immortal humanoid race who helped create the agwilikan and akelikan races with the help of the agwils (dragons) and prerarts.
Prerart – Relatives to the agwils, though much smaller, lacking in wings, but not lacking in cuteness.
Other Characters:
Dark Spark – Some manifestation of cosmic creative energy with an eclipse motif.
The Robolds – robot kobolds.
Shekki – Another gwil character made on a whim.
Biri, Baku, and Bayzil – The Red Triplets. Technically not sisters. Beings of a magical origin that run a restaurant, among other things.
Rider’s Dragon and Dragon’s Rider – Characters planned to be in the same story as the Red Triplets. Haven’t settled on names for them yet.
Creative Spark Dragon, aka Sparky – My persona.