They are not a part of any of the other mainline stories, but I have been putting some time into these characters so I decided to post about them.
The triplets started off as a red color variation of Sheshai the Purifier’s 3D model (at first nicknamed Sheshai-Hen, basically ‘Red Sheshai’), but they developed their own personalities over time.
The have a few anomalies separating them from regular Gwils. They don’t age and have narrow slit eyes and sharp teeth. Gwils are normally herbivores, but not in this trio’s case.
Baku on the left is the energetic, outgoing one. Bayzil in the middle has a quiet, mystical aura about her, and has a curse that requires her to wear a mask over her eyes. On the right…

…is Biri, the laid back and somewhat nerdy one, who also happens to be a butcher that takes her job quite seriously, as you can see by her gear.