This view centers on the Residential District. The entrance to the Night District is on the far left, adjoined by the city wall. The city rail loop sits between the wall and the main house rows. Some new streets going between the house rows were added this version, each parallel to a rail station. The blue projections of the Social Districts and the gold projection of the national capital are seen in the back.A view of Beach Island. There is a new building complex accessed from a long staircase seen on the left.One of the city docks. The building in the middle is the port of entry into the city where arrivals and departures are screened.A view from the entrance of the Night District looking back towards the city’s center. The twin stairways of the rail station are in view, along with a prototype of the vehicles that traverse the tracks. Behind is one of the new roads in the Residential District. These have stairs that travel up the terraced house rows. This particular road leads all the way up to one of the main complexes of the Social District.