Well, it’s been over ten years since the last time I made a post about Sha Rephart’s main island, though I have been working on it here and there.
The island is the core of Sha Rephart (“The Nation”). The structure bathed in golden light at the center is the national capital. It is surrounded by a fortress. The six lighter blue hexagons and the three-pointed areas between them make up the Social Districts. Adjoining those are the Residential Districts, made up of numerous rows of stock housing and four apartment complexes. Two Industrial Districts occupy the trapezoidal areas between the four gaps (and right now don’t really have anything in them), with the city docks attached to them on the east and west ends. A transport rail circuit and the city wall loop around the other areas.
Some expansions have been added to the island over time. To the northeast is a fountain (which needs a lot of further development). To the southeast is the Night District, a nocturnally themed sister to the main social districts.To the southwest is Beach Island, a massive attraction due to the rarity of large bodies of water on the Voidplane. To the northwest is crescent park and a large walled circle of void (its purpose to be determined).
Expect more details on areas of the island soon.