Yezukai’ay is a character I came up with about six years ago, but she was hard to place so I had yet to post anything about her here. She came from a standalone story that I haven’t pursued and will likely end up wherever abandoned story ideas go. However, I just couldn’t forget such a cute character! Maybe she and other elements of that story will wind up somewhere else, most likely in the Elehura universe.
The item strapped to her back is a scribe’s case. I completed the 3d model for that part just a few days ago. In her original story, she was the personal assistant of the protagonist and handled writing things down and delivering messages as needed on their behalf.
She is a member of the ‘Suyen’ race. They’re closely related to the Gwil, but have some differing traits. They have dark gray skin and… whatever color those eyes are. Did I make her dress the same color on purpose? They are also quite short. Yezukai’ay is about 135cm or 4 foot 5 inches not counting the horns. Just in the last few days I also added the drooping ears and shorter paddle-shaped tail to differentiate them more from Gwils.