Yes, the Prerarts are the kind of people who remember someone for sleeping. Well, someone being known to sleep for days in a row is a bit more to memorable than someone who really liked naps. His peers noted that he certainly did put a bit of art and passion into his sleeping and the rituals of preparing for it.
One time, his village was performing a periodic migration. Despite his attempts to discipline himself to be ready for this event, when the time to depart arrived, Raralara was fast asleep again, in a particularly long session. Irritated by his continued behavior, his village left him behind. Eight days later, he caught up to them. He told them he had slept for another day past the departure. After waking, he desperately searched for the others, apparently going those seven days of searching without any sleep. He had a few misadventures during his separation, and his telling of them endeared the others so much that he wound up becoming the village’s lead storyteller later on.
Though that is his most famous story, it was not really Raralara’s famous feat. There was a surprising side effect of his lengthy sleeping. It was hypothesized that he did not age while in deep slumber, as he wound up living nearly four full Prerart lifetimes. This went very well with his new role, so though in his legend he’s primarily called the “Sleeper”, he’s also known as Raralara the Storyteller.