I had a story line for a while called the “Seraphelines” (Seraph-Felines, the Angel Cats, basically) about a crew of Pritar soldiers that fought undead hordes in a somewhat modern world setting. It’s pretty much a dead project now. So why am I bringing it up now? Well, I did some repurposing of items in that story line for my new novel. The leftmost character in the picture? That is Sheshai Gilms. I liked the name enough to reapply it to the titular Gwil character. The three males, Mars, Azel, and Silfred, are also characters in the novel. Unlike Sheshai, they stayed as Pritar and basically kept the same appearance. Who knows, Yoseka and Katherine might appear somewhere else.
The other name borrowed from the Seraphelines is the location called Lukaudalin. In that story, it was a Human empire that the team’s nation fought as a side antagonist to the undead.